“SIERRA” and the Pacific Crest Trail

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Last October, I launched my newest AWOL thriller, SIERRA, which takes place along the Pacific Crest Trail. Right now many hikers are preparing for a long-distance hike, and I’m taking this opportunity to reach out to the backpacking and outdoor community.

My hike of the PCT was completed in 2008, and I will never forget the awe-inspiring beauty of this magnificent hiking trail. As many of you know, the PCT is contiguous with some of the John Muir Trail and goes from one end of Yosemite to the other. In other posts, I’ve shown some of my pictures.

While Sierra is a thriller and has the typical violence of drug cartels, it is fiction; I saw none of that out there. My novel should in no way impede you from planning this awesome hike. Having said that, it is always wise to stay alert in the wilds. We all know about the things that can happen near the Mexican border. What you may not realize is the lack of security at the Canadian border. I hope fellow hikers and general readers will check out Sierra. It’s sold at Barnes & Noble and is available at independent bookstores.

If you click on the link here, you have many options. Thank you!      http://www.turnerpublishing.com/books/detail/sierra

Available October 2016
Available now.

Published by Ray Anderson

Writer and hiker. My forthcoming novel, LIFT: The Rise of Mathe-Lingua-Musica, is speculative fiction. The novel releases in April 2024. Have hiked the Appalachian Trail, the Pacific Crest Trail, The Long Trail (Vermont), and some of the Continental Divide Trail. My trail name is "HAMLET." Have written three hiking novels (thrillers) which take place along three separate long-distance hiking trails. The first one, "THE TRAIL," (Appalachian trail) was traditionally published in 2015. My second hiking thriller, "SIERRA," (Pacific Crest Trail) released in 2016. Book three in my AWOL hiking-thriller series, "THE DIVIDE" (Continental Divide Trail) released in 2020. www.RayKAnderson.com

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